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Business Meeting

Dr Gill Tonge

Director of the Academy

I came to Rochdale in 1992 completing my VTS training at Castleton Health Centre and moving down the road to be a GP at Peterloo Medical Centre in 1996, where I have remained ever since. In 2002 Peterloo Medical centre gained back training status for which we have been training a wide array of trainees ever since.

I represented Middleton on the LMC from 1997 -2004 through this I was involved in the teenager pregnancy task group, cervical cytology and maternity service committee.

In 2004 I became RCGP NWE sexual health course director and have ran courses across North West related to men, women’s and sexual health. Through this role, I have developed a cervical screening training package for GPST which is currently being evaluated nationally with a view to national rollout.

In 2007 I joined the Pennine GPST educator team and have been involved in training our next generation of GP’s on the patch since then. I have been involved with a lot of the practices in the area, if not with my GPST training hat on, with other hats I have worn related to being a QoF assessor (2004-2006) and a local appraiser (2009-2011).

I have recently been appointed HMR Academy Director and Greater Manchester Training Hub NE sector clinical lead which is all about helping train, develop and enhance primary care for the whole of our workforce.

Aside from being a GP, I am trying to become an accomplished sailor and partake in a variety of outdoor activities (usually in the rain in the Lake District!) with my husband, daughter and our chocolate Labrador.

Dr Gill Tonge
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