Apprenticeship FAQ’s
Here you will find all the most frequently asked questions about apprenticeships.
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Apprenticeship FAQ’s
How long does an apprenticeship last? The length of a programme is dependent on which qualification is chosen. An apprenticeship typically lasts between one to six years. A level 2 (intermediate) qualification is typically 12 - 18 months, a level 3 (advanced) qualification 18 - 24 months, levels 4 - 7 (higher / degree) qualifications can be anywhere between 2 - 6 years. What roles can be done as an apprenticeship? There are 500+ apprenticeship standards, with a potential of 1600 being available by the end of 2020. This makes most roles fit for an apprenticeship qualification. The roles in Primary Care which HMR Primary Care Academy for Primary care are looking to upskill are as follows- Healthcare Assistant, Senior Healthcare Assistant, Receptionist, Administration, Nursing Associate, Leadership and Management. How much time will be spent per month with the assessor? The time spent with an assessor can vary widely for each qualification. Your tutor will typically arrange a visit with you around every 4 – 6 weeks. You could spend time with your assessor: One to One tutoring face to face in person at your workplace One to One tutoring face to face at the training providers premises Live Webinars Pre-recorded Webinars Off-Site Training Days Class-based / Workshops Do I need to work full time to qualify for the apprenticeship scheme? What is the minimum number of hours one can work? You do not have to work full time to qualify for an apprenticeship, the minimum hours an apprentices can work is 16 hours per week. A full-time apprenticeship is 30+ hours per week, any hours below 30 hours the length of the apprenticeship must be extended. Are there any exams or is it all portfolio evidence that’s needed? This depends on which qualification you are enrolled to, all Apprenticeship Standards as of 2017 now have an End Point Assessment (EPA) in the last 3 months of the qualification. EPA’s can only be taken a minimum of 12 months after the start of an apprentices training and must be successfully completed before an apprenticeship completion certificate can be issued. An EPA usually consist of 3 elements, these could be: Multiple Choice Test Exam Evidence Portfolio Of Work Work Place Observations Practical Skills Test Professional Discussion With End Point Assessment Organisation / Interview Workplace Projects Assignments What apprenticeships are popular within Primary Care? The apprenticeship courses that are popular within Primary Care are: - Business Administration - Customer Service - Leadership and Management - Health and Social Care (For Health Care Assistant Roles) - Nursing Associate - Finance If I can’t find my certificates to prove my level of education do I need to retake my maths and English? Sometimes an apprentice you may a need to retake functional skills if there is no evidence of you taking the exam. If an apprentice does not have a certificate and/or a notification of results from the awarding organisation, the provider can ask the apprentice to get a replacement certificate (there may be a cost). How do I go about getting copy certificates if needed? There are a number of options, but before you order any replacements, double checks which of the following formats are acceptable to whoever has asked you for proof of your exam results. You can apply for a ‘Certified Statement of Results’, which is an official document that lists the subjects you took, the year they were taken, and the grades you achieved. You can ask for a confirmation letter to be sent to the person/organisation that requested evidence. Providers and employers can request a verification letter from the awarding body. If I’ve done an apprenticeship previously can I do another if it’s at a higher level? Yes, apprenticeships are there for people to create a career path and develop themselves via a work-based qualification. An apprenticeship is for an apprentice to develop new skills, knowledge and behaviours; your pervious qualification will have to be checked by the training provider to see if there is any previous learning that can be mapped into the new apprenticeship qualification or there is no learning gap. As a practice what is the time commitment needed to put staff through the apprenticeship programme? The length of a programme is dependent on which qualification is chosen. An apprenticeship typically lasts between one to six years. The time commitment needed is also dependant on the qualification; all apprenticeships require 20% off the job training, this equates to one day per week. For other qualifications that require placements like Trainee Nurse Associates, your apprentice may also need to take this placement out of their normal place of work to for fill their experiences in other areas for the course. Will I get paid as an apprentice? A new apprentice will be paid National Minimum Wage for Age on a fixed-term contract until they complete the apprenticeship. An existing member of staff will have no change to their contract of employment if upskilling in your current role. How much would it cost the apprentice? There is no charge for the apprentice to cover the cost of their apprenticeship or any elements towards your apprenticeship such as exam cost and membership cost. If I went to university and then next year the apprenticeship qualification becomes available am I able to change over? Yes, you can transfer at the end of an academic year to an apprenticeship as long as the modules map over.
Employers Apprenticeship FAQ's
How much will taking on an apprentice cost me? Apprentices are good value for money and it is possible that government funding may be received in order for you to cover the costs of the apprentices training. In terms of an hourly fee, the current national minimum wage for an apprentice is £3.90 per hour. Although you may decide to pay a higher rate in order to attract more potential applicants. What will my business gain from hiring an apprentice? When hiring an apprentice you are making a commitment to develop the individual, who will learn the specific skills required to complete their role within your business. In return the apprentice will begin to contribute to your bottom line more and more the longer they are with you. In most cases, apprentices are reliable and make great assets to your team. They bring in a fresh set of eyes and maybe able to contribute to changes in which may help streamline processes etc. It is estimated that the average apprentice contributes £28 to their employer for every £1 spent on them. How difficult is the apprenticeship process? The process of taking on an apprentice needn't be a difficult one. The training providers are there to be able to support you through the process and help reduce the demand on your time to get things up and running. The academy has sourced some excellent providers but you may also have your own in mind. The choice of which provider you use is entirely up to you. What will happen at the end of the apprenticeship? You may wish to offer your apprentice a permanent post should you have one or the opportunity to be able to apply should a vacancy be available. Having spent at least a year learning all about your business, the skill set required to complete the role and having received on average £10,000 worth of training (Dependant on government funding available), you will have developed a capable individual so why let another company benefit from your investment? What happens if we are non-levy payers? If your wage bill is under £3 million with less than 50 employees you will not pay apprenticeship levy. This means that 100% of apprenticeship course fees will be paid by the government for apprentices aged 16-18 and they will also offer you an incentive work £1,000. If you have an apprentice over the age of 18, you are still able to access some of the government funding for part of the costs but you may also be required to make a payment as a "Co-investment". The government will pay 95% of the apprenticeship course fees and you will be required to pay the remaining 5%. Do you have apprenticeship vacancies available? If you have an apprenticeship vacancy available and would like us to advertise this for you please do not hesitate in contacting us on our general enquiries Email Us. We can promote your vacancy on our website, Facebook and Twitter accounts and our monthly newsletter.