Pennines PCN
League of Superheroes Award
"This PCN is simply the best everyone works so hard. This is not only the board members but each Practice in the PCN.
No matter what is thrown at us we always achieve and work towards the same goal.
special mention goes to our Business Support Officer Alex who keeps us all on track"
This team has gone from strength to strength, from the beginning with our Covid clinics held at the Littleborough Sports Centre to the teams current performance with working together to achieve the IIF targets. To have 6 practice managers working closely together is not easy.
With weekly lunch time meetings supporting each other with day to day stuff and the targets we have to meet and also helping each other's wellbeing and mental health.
The excellent admin support we get from Alex is amazing as she makes difficult tasks seem manageable by the processes she puts in place and helps lead the PCN through all the targets we have to work towards. Alex put together a cancer awareness day which was well attended with excellent feedback from patients and staff who attended. Working together across 6 practices each with their own identities and differing skill sets makes this tricky at times but the team always pulls together and even organized Reiki sessions for all the surgery staff to attend which had excellent feed back including improved sleep and lower blood pressures.
This team has gone from strength to strength. Kelly Vines is the driving force behind this highly functioning team with her amazing organisation and motivational skills she brings out the best from all the practices knowing the strengths and weaknesses of her team and putting everyone to best use.