What We Do
Primary Care Academy (HMRPCA), is the Training Hub for Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale.
Training Hubs are a key enabler of the primary care workforce strategy described in the NHS Long Term Plan and recognised as such by Health Education England, NHS England & NHS Improvement and the HMR Integrated Care System.
Training hubs are designed to meet the educational needs of the primary and community care workforce and bring together NHS organisations, community providers and Local Authorities.


Our vision is to educate, inform and enhance the primary and community workforce to deliver the best possible care.
Our mission is to make HMR a great area to work by growing an inclusive partnership and facilitating evidence-based education, training and development for the primary and community care workforce.
Our core values are: Visible - Impactful - Innovative - Informative - Responsive.
OUR KEY GOALS for 2023/24
Build strategic partnerships to enhance the offer of leadership and organisational development that supports PCN ( primary care networks ) maturity.
Support the primary and community care workforce with a single reliable source of information on education, supervision and development, for all professionals at all career levels.
Understand the needs and ambitions of primary and community care organisations to grow and develop their workforce.
Create opportunities for lifelong learning in primary and community settings.
Grow a faculty of educators and supervisors across the professions.
Manage access to education and training funding for primary and community professionals.
Introduce and help to embed new roles in an evidence-based way.
HMRPCA is integral to Health Education England's (HEE) core purpose of supporting the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvements to patients and the public. This is achieved by ensuring the primary and community care workforce of today and tomorrow are trained in the right numbers, have the necessary skills and hold NHS Values and Principles