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The Kickstart Scheme makes up part of the Government’s ‘Plan for Jobs’ skills and employment programmes, which also include Apprenticeships, T Levels and Traineeships. 

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The Kickstart Scheme

Our Greater Manchester Kickstart Scheme offers six-month jobs for young people aged 16 to 24 years old who are currently claiming Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. For employers not only will you have a young person working for you, funded by the Government, but the employee will also be developing transferable skills that are aimed at increasing their chances of sustained employment.


Working in primary care in Greater Manchester is a varied, busy and exciting place with many opportunities not just in nursing but in administration, HR, finance, communications and project management among others.  This is a chance for employers to offer young people a taste of what it’s like to work in the much loved and fast-paced environment of the NHS.

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